Ditch the Tour Guide or Not: Reasons Why…

East Africa is not a region as well-trodden as backpacking paradises like Southeast Asia and South America. Not only do many tourists refuse outright to visit the region because of safety concerns, but there are…


Travelling to a completely new country is both really exciting and daunting at the same time. You will be travelling to an unknown land which has a completely different language, different culture, different currency and…

You Don’t Have to Be Hindu to Enjoy…

Since the days when the Beatles first introduced the world to Transcendental Meditation developed by the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, tourists from around the globe have flocked to India for high holy days. Not all…

Four Ways to Prepare for a Conference in…

Hosting a conference is a big and daunting task, especially if it’s your first time. There are people to call, logistics to organise, and presentations to prepare. If you’re hosting one soon, don’t panic just…

4 Reasons to Go to the Doctor’s Before…

Source Make no bones about it: planning a vacation can be a lot of work. You’ve got to arrange for time off from work, coordinate schedules with family members or friends, book flights and hotels,…