/4 Travel Tips for Freelancers

4 Travel Tips for Freelancers

One of the most appealing aspects of becoming a freelancer is the ability to  travel at will. After all, freelancers don’t have to answer to a boss or adhere to a company policy; in that sense, freelancers have unlimited vacation days. However, the reality is that traveling while working as a freelancer can present its own set of challenges. Thankfully, this blog will outline how freelancers can balance their workload while enjoying all the delights associated with travel. Check out our top four tips here:

Give Proper Notice

There’s a misconception that freelancers don’t have to answer to anyone other than themselves. This simply isn’t true. Freelancers have to work hard to court, win, and then retain reliable clients. Trying to find new sources of income each week isn’t a sustainable freelance model, and for many, it’s not profitable. As such, it’s important to communicate with your best clients and to let them know if you’re about to go on vacation. That way, they won’t surprise you with a massive assignment the moment you fly off to the Bahamas. Note also that seasonality may feature into your decision-making process. If one of your biggest clients happens to sell construction barriers, for example, then taking time off in the winter –– their “off-season” –– might make the most sense.

Pack Heavy

If you plan on working at all while freelancing, then it’s important to pack all of the amenities you may possibly require. Note that not all hotels or vacation destinations always possess common tech features like extra chargers or strong WiFi. As such, it’s generally a good principle for freelancers to pack more than they think they’ll need. You never know when you’ll require a backup pair of headphones or a new mouse for your laptop.

Get Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Freelancers primarily work alone. That might sound obvious, but it’s also true that many freelancers also travel alone. Remember, freelancers don’t  work on the same schedule as “traditional” nine-to-five employees. So if you really want to travel somewhere, you may have to do so on your own. The good news is that traveling by yourself can be a lot of fun –– provided that you’re comfortable meeting new people and trying new things.

Here’s the thing: mental health requires you to maintain physical health, as the two are interlinked. When you’re freelancing, traveling regularly, you may be in a position where you don’t need to be very physically active. Say you write articles online, and travel in an RV. You might not have to leave the thing but to shower at a gym, or for recreational activities. As a result, your body could become sedentary. Also, there’s this to consider: if you’re sitting for four to six hours a day, that’s exceptionally unhealthy. A better way to conduct yourself is to stand at a desk with a keyboard comfortably positioned for your fingers. But standing several hours a day can be bad for your body as well if your position is bad. It’s hard to be comfortable in your own skin if you’re always aching. So you might want to check in with an orthopaedic surgeon for chronic issues and advice on healthy ways of working at a computer for long hours; it can help relieve pain and avoid future health issues.

Have Fun

More and more professionals wind up taking trips that are vacations in name only. That is, they spend their entire week off answering emails or working on assignments for their clients. Don’t fall into this trap. Sure, it’s okay to check in with a colleague every once in a while on vacation, but don’t let your job affect your health and wellness. Instead, use your next holiday to kick back, relax, and have fun!