/Relation Of Females With Steroids

Relation Of Females With Steroids


Though anabolic steroids are considered to have harmful negative effects on the body if not consumed in proper dosages, it can be a boon for the fairer sex. The use of steroid for women is not just restricted to bodybuilding and only a minor portion of the total population consume performance enhancers for such purpose. While most people think that anabolic components contribute only towards performance enhancement there is a host of other factors like getting a toned physique for modeling, acting or even taking part in commercial advertisements. And to the surprise of many, the majority of the silver screen celebrities are into anabolic supplementation to maintain their glamor and fitness.

Probable complications to avoid

Among the possible negative impact of steroids on women, the common problems include menstrual abnormalities, deepening of the voice and virilization. The first step to avoid such occurrence is to choose products with low virilization effects. Even after that if the effects of virilization start to recur, consumption must be stopped immediately and a health care practitioner be contacted. The best way to ensure the safe use of these components is by carrying out adequate research work on the internet and be informed of the pros and cons of using such components. So, users opting to take these components should take necessary medical assistance to promote muscle gain without virilization.

Suitable steroids for female use

When the question of steroid use by women comes to the forefront choosing the safest and the most effective product becomes the most important task. While some women prefer to take steroids to get lean muscle mass and get a ripped appearance, others prefer using them during the cutting phase for effective weight loss. Among the various products available in the market, Anavar and Winstrol have gained significant popularity over the years. For female fitness enthusiasts, figure competitors, bodybuilders and normal users the top seven steroidal components include Anavar, Winstrol, Clenbuterol, Deca Durabolin, HGH, Ephedrine and Nolvadex.

Following a proper cycle

Till the recent past, people were only concerned about steroid administration on males and their associated pros and cons, but things have changed with the introduction of female-friendly steroids in the market. There are various online platforms and professionals providing necessary assistance and addressing the immediate topics and concerns relating to steroid cycles for females. As soon as anabolic steroids for female use comes to question the entire administration mechanism changes, including the dosage levels, the frequency of intake and the cycle period.

Oral versions of the components like Anavar, Primobolan, Winstrol, and Equipoise are generally recommended to be taken for a period of 1 to 4 weeks with 6 weeks being the maximum in certain cases. The oral versions are known to promote muscle gain without virilization. The injectable version of these enhancers are seldom prescribed and that too under strict recommended routine. Consuming anabolic components in a form other than the oral form generally, increases the risk of marked side-effects on the body. Therefore, only female professional athletes and bodybuilders should undertake the injectable version for a long cycle period to serve their professional purpose.