/Myth Buster on Using Laser to Remove Unwanted Hairs

Myth Buster on Using Laser to Remove Unwanted Hairs


When it comes to laser hair removal Orange County is the place to go. It promises painless, permanent hair removal, meaning there is no more need for waxing, threading, plucking, or shaving. Unsurprisingly, this is hugely popular and, whenever something shoots to popularity, myths start to occur as well. Let’s take a look, therefore, at the myths and truths surrounding laser hair removal.

  1. Laser Damages Your Organs

This is 100% untrue. The laser simply cannot reach your internal organs. In fact, not even the heat from the laser can. This is why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved it as a treatment option. It may have some side effects, but those are not because of internal organ damage.

  1. Laser Really Hurts!

During the laser treatment, you can expect to experience some discomfort and pain. However, this is in no way excruciating, even if you have a very low pain threshold. If you are worried, you can ask for a topical anesthetic.

  1. Lasers Only Work on Dark Hair and Light Skin

When lasers were first developed, this was certainly true. Today, however, technology has developed since then, and lasers now exist that can work on any skin type and any hair coloration.

  1. You Can Only Use Laser on the Face

Laser can be used on any part of the body. Commonly, the upper lips and chin are treated, but the thighs, abdomen, back, chest, legs, arms, feet, hands, and neck can equally be treated. The only place that lasers should not treat is around the eyes.

  1. Laser Delivers the Same Results on Everybody

Exactly which results you can expect from the laser treatment varies depending on the hair texture, type, and color that you want to have removed. Light colored hairs don’t respond as well. The best results are in light skinned, dark haired people, but it can work on anyone.

  1. You Can Have Laser Removal when You’re Pregnant

When a woman is pregnant, her levels of estrogen rise, leading to more hair growth. There is no evidence to suggest that laser treatment is dangerous to the expectant mother or her unborn child, but there is no evidence to the contrary either. Hence, it is best not to have it at all.

  1. Laser Leads to Skin Cancer

This is absolute nonsense, as they would never have had FDA approval if they caused cancer.

  1. You Only Need One Laser Session

Usually, you will require four to six sessions to see the full results. Exactly how many sessions are needed depends on your hair type, thickness, and color, as well as the amount of hair.

  1. The Results Are Completely Permanent

With some people, hair never grows back. With most people, however, it only significantly reduces hair growth. As a result, two treatments per year are usually required.

  1. Laser Treatment Costs a Lot

Naturally, laser treatment isn’t free. However, it certainly won’t require you to take out a second mortgage. Furthermore, think about all the time and money you save by not having to remove your hair in any other way anymore.