/Dental Tourism for Americans is On the Rise

Dental Tourism for Americans is On the Rise

Around 108 million people in the US don’t have adequate dental insurance coverage, as per the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This is one of the reasons why dental tourism for Americans is on the rise. A growing number of people in the US are looking for affordable options across the border. For more and more people, the best solution comes in the form of is low prices for dental work in Molar City, Algodones.

The Push Factors

US dental clinics are extremely pricey. And on top of that the lack of proper insurance coverage makes it difficult for a lot of people to access dental care. These people either have the option to neglect their teeth, including those of their children, or to find a solution elsewhere. This pushes them to look towards other countries, the closest of which is Mexico. And within Mexico is Los Algodones, also known as Molar City, a hugely popular dental destination, especially attractive for Americans.

The Pull Factors

The low prices for dental work in Molar City pulls in the ever-expanding group of Americans who can no longer afford quality dental services. Molar City is a prime example of a dental destination that combines low cost with high quality that becomes irresistible for people in the US.

To give you an idea of the price difference, here’s a cost comparison of two popular dental procedures:

Price of All-on-four in the US: USD $34,417

Price of All-on-four in Canada: CAD $45,582

Price of All-on-four in Los Algodones: USD $9,817 / CAD $12,694

You save: USD $24,600 / CAD $33,000.

Price of Dental Implants in the US: USD $3,913

Price of Dental Implants in Canada: CAD $5,026

Price of Dental Implants in Molar City: USD $1,250 / CAD $1,578

You save: USD $2,600 / CAD $3,500 per implant.

These are some pretty impressive savings. Who could resist these numbers? As the need for dental tourism grows, more people are becoming aware of some misconceptions about this industry. For instance, many people believed that dental services are cheaper in other countries because the clinics are sub-standard and/or the dentists are not as well-trained. Now, more people realize that the prices are lower mainly because it costs much less to operate a Mexican clinic than an American one.

It’s Easy to Find the Right Clinic

To benefit from the low prices for dental work in Molar City, you need to find high quality clinics. We simplify the process for you, bringing you a well-maintained database of carefully selected dental clinics. You can find a lot of useful and reliable information on the best clinics at this portal.

So contrary to what some people might think, you’re not flying blind when you opt for dental tourism. To further make things easy for you, here are two names you should consider:

An increasing number of Americans turn to clinics like these to find affordable but reliable dental procedures. Feel free to contact these two clinics and get personalized quotes.